Yesterday’s Google Doodle was all about the famous flat white coffee, a tasty hot drink that many people love.
A cup, a coffee pot, a spoonful of espresso, and coffee beans are the main things in the animation picture. As soon as coffee and steamed milk are put into the cup, a happy smiley face appears on the top of it.
The phrase “flat white” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary on this day in 2011. It comes from the coffee cultures of Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s. This drink can be made with either whole milk or plant-based milk, so it can fit a wide range of dietary needs.
Google’s official website says that flat whites have become more popular among coffee lovers who want a smoother feel with less foam because they are “flatter” than other drinks like cappuccinos and lattes.
Also, baristas often show off their skills by making detailed art while pouring coffee, which you can see in many cafes in Australia and New Zealand.