Hunter Biden Faces Congressional Scrutiny 

Hunter Biden's Surprise Appearance Amid Calls for Testimony Rocks Congressional Hearing. 

Chaotic Hearing Unfolds 

Hunter's Quiet Entry Ignites Chaos, Lawmakers Debate His Presence. 

Hunter Biden's Legal Challenges 

Denying Wrongdoing, Hunter Biden Grapples with Tax Evasion, Firearm Charges. 

Democrats and Republicans Clash 

Democrats Push Hunter's Testimony, GOP Insists on Closed Hearing - Deadlock Deepens. 

Hunter Biden's Departure 

Hunter Leaves Hearing Amid Tensions, Attorney Frustrated by Lack of Cooperation. 

Subpoena Drama Unfolds 

Republicans Subpoena Hunter for Closed Hearing; Public Testimony Denied. 

Contempt of Congress and Legal Ramifications 

House Contempt Consideration Heightens Pressure on Hunter Biden. 

No Precedent: President's Kin Facing Congress Contempt - Uncharted Territory Ahead 
